After a long break, we finally have girls starting to be ready to breed by the first part of October.  If you are on our waiting list, Pam will be contacting you shortly to ask if you will be ready for a puppy.  Last Spring when we had puppies, the majority of people on our waiting list were no longer wanting a puppy, and we had puppies born with no homes lined up for them.  They were all placed by the time they were old enough for their forever home, but we don’t want to get into that situation again.  We want to know how many people are ready to commit to getting one of our puppies before we produce more puppies than we have homes for to start with.  Puppies will be ready to go to their homes in February.  If you are not on our waiting list now, it would be a good time to contact us because there is a good possibility that there can be one for you.

Below is a link to our Facebook page.  Pam will be updating it as things progress. 


Below is a link to our youtube channel with videos of our puppies.  The latest videos will always be the most current or recent puppies.

 Starborn dog and puppy videos